This is me Maureen

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Funny things

I thougt I would share some funny things that have happened in my life. I am a klutz. I can and have broken a toe while wearing flip flops. I fell over the fire pit but of course it was all my mom's fault. My older sister and I convinced my younger sister to stick a cheetoo up her nose. By the time we got to the hospital the cheetoo was gone of course and everyone thought my dad was insane. I have no recollection of being a co-conspirator in this though so Melissa really gets the blame. There was the time my brother got his toy helicoptor stuck in the pine tree. I was the tallest kid at the time so I got to stand on mom and dad's shoulders to reach the thing. Before I stood up I asked (about 4 times) if they had which of course they said "yes just get the damn thing". So I stand and yes you can guess I fell face first into the tree. Thankfully during the fall I jarred the helicoptor free. Perhaps the funniest thing or at least the one that still gets the most laughs is when I was maybe 12 the family went camping with my aunt and uncle at Devil's Lake in Wisconsin. We has 2 campsites and I was tired so I went to lay down. My sister Melanie followed for some reason or another. Fast forward a little to me waking up for some reason looking up to see 2 little eyes inches from my face. I am still not sure who was more afraid but both the raccoon and I made a hasty retreat from the tent. I calmly walked over to the other campsite where everyone else was. My parents took one look at me and asked "what is wrong with you". I felt I was hiding my fear fairly well I mean I didn't scream or run or anything. Apparently when your eyes are the size of saucers it's a dead giveaway. I simply stated that I woke up to find a coon inches from my face. My (evil) sister forgot to zip the tent. The coon apparently was looking for a nice warm coozy little place to sleep. I still haven't forgiven her for leaving me to fend off wild animals in my sleep. Here are a couple crazy dog stories for you. My older sister's dog Stryder (now dead) got lose one night. Keep in mind that it is fall so it is cold and wet. It also happens to be dark outside. So off we all go to catch the dumb dog. He had a tendecy to be mean so we needed to catch him quick. I ran out the door in flip flops that we not even mine (too small). My sister and I have him caught at the neighboring apartment building or so we think. The little unmentionable slips past. Off to the next neighbors where of course I slip in the mud with the dumb shoes I am wearing. My mom gets the car while the rest of us run down the street. My dad ends up slipping and falling on the wet pavement. I walk into a tree limb. Finally my sister has him somewhat cornered as I sneak up behind a tree and we have finally got the stupid stubborn beagle. Unfortunately my dad is limping. I am covered in mud on one side. I broke the too small flip flops sliding around in the mud oh and also my face hurts from the tree branch. When I decided to buy a house my dad being a dad was worried that I may need some protection living alone so he mentioned that I should get a guard dog since Sierra would never hurt anyone. I said I would think about it but let it go at that. Shortly after that day Sierra and I were cuddling on the couch before I went to bed.  My dad woke up as he was walking down the steps Sierra flys out from underneath the blanket growling, showing teeth ready to eat my dad. He says her name but still she wants to eat him. Finally I tell Sierra to behave and she calms down. I simply asked dad if he still thought I needed a guard dog. Of course he said no. This next one is perhaps the best one. We were moving our fish tank from the kitchen to the living room when we noticed we had a mouse. We let 2 of the dogs out to find it. So their beagle noses did their job but when faced with the mouse they simply turned and ran the other way. Now if Sierra would have been around at the time let me tell you that mouse would have been history.

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