So the dogs have decided to cause all sorts of trouble again. Lexi is trying to destroy furniture. I can't seem to break her of this. Lexi and Angel also decided it would be fun to dig 2 massive holes in the dog pen outside. Maybe they believe there is buried treasure out there. Sierra believes some creature has invaded her space and she will not calm down. She goes up one side of the dog pen and then down the other searching for the mysterious invader. She is moving dog houses trying to burrow under the fence and she can not find the elusive creature. Lexi has this obession with rocks. She loves to bring me her collection of rocks that she has found. I guess I can be thankful that her obession is with rocks and not jewelry like Angel. Still waiting to hear if my ring can be fixed. Smokey and Misty just sit in the window waiting to bark at anything that moves. Once those two get started there is no stopping until at least one or more other dog start barking too. We also have a morning dove that believes the dog kennel belongs to it. Since most of the dogs are bird dogs this starts another crazy round of chaos. Smokey is having an identity crisis with this bird for he forgets that he is suppose to be a rabbit/coon dog. In his mind this and any other bird is his prey. Sierra also has small bouts of identity issues she points fish. Yes I said fish. We have a 125 gallon fish tank and she gets obessed with certain fish. She will stand there pointing her fish for hours at a time if we would let her. All for now
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