This is me Maureen

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 1 blogging

So I decided to create a daily blog of my thoughts and experiences living in the midwest and with multiple dogs. I am a single 29 year old female with 2 sisters and a brother. So my story starts with the fact that even though I own my home I am currently staying with my parents so I do not have to pay so much in gas traveling back and forth to work. While I love living with my parents they have 5 dogs add to that the fact that I have 3 and my younger sister has 1. Chaos runs rampant in this household. The dogs this week have been fairly well behaved. Angel (dad's german short-haired pointer GSP) decided it would be fun to try and eat my ring. Said ring now looks like a figure 8 and won't fit on my finger. The jeweler is trying to fix it we'll see how that goes. All the dogs seem to enjoy eating the stuffing out of the recliner. They have also dug up the yard uncovering electical wiring. Since the dogs have been good I can now tell you about the joys of living in the midwest. The biggest perk or curse is the dramatic change in temperature from onr day to the next. This week for example we went from having 80 degree temps with high humidity to highs in the 60's with no humidity and wind. The low last night was 47. It was only September 3. We experience 4 changing seasons winter harsh and cold, spring mild and rainy, summer very hot and fall mild for the most part.Let's see what else we do not have to worry too much about natural disasters the occassional torando and flooding but other than that we are good. The scenery is amazing but for the most part fairly flat with a great many fields of corn and soy beans. I think that is all for this first try.


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