This is me Maureen

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Madison, WI

So yesterday my mom, 2 sisters, neice Abby, brother and sister-in-law went shopping in Madison. The purpose of this trip was to go to Babies R Us for little Evan. Evan will arrive in the world in Jan 2011. The trip was mostly a success but did not find much of anything for Abby. I did get a lesson in diaper bags. Apparently one should buy an expensive one so it actually lasts. Melissa is on her 3rd for Abby. The day kept going on and on. I should mention I am not a big fan of shopping. A major accomplishment for the fam was that there was no fighting. I got to be funny too. Somehow we were talking about selling a woman's eggs for tons of money. Anyway Ryan mentioned that women can only produce eggs for so long and then menopause starts. Men on the other hand produce sperm all their lives. To which I said yes but with age men can't get it up anymore. The whole car erupted into fits of laughter. Even though it was a long day it was a good time. It is rare when we spend time together to get along so well. Little Abby was the highlight of the day of course. She is such a peanut. So happy and full of life. She even became a little piggy about sharing my food with me.

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